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Fig. 7 | EvoDevo

Fig. 7

From: Characterization of the bHLH family of transcriptional regulators in the acoel S. roscoffensis and their putative role in neurogenesis

Fig. 7

Expression domain of SrAscB (pink) and SrHes/Hey (green) genes in, approx., 24 h juveniles of the acoel S. roscoffensis (several panels). a Dorso-frontal detail of the anterior part of the organism where it is detected the strongest expression of AscB (pink) in the nerve net and some peripheral tracks (arrow). SrHes/Hey shows expression in the dorsal and medio-ventral nerve cords entering the brain (green) (arrowheads). Also some commissures connecting the brain can be here appreciated b. Dorso-frontal detail of the anterior part of the organism where it is detected the expression of AscB (pink) in the nerve net and in the cross commissures (squares) plus in some peripheral tracks (arrows). SrHes/Hey shows expression in the origin of the dorsal cords, near to the statocyst, and in the ventral nerve cords entering the brain (green) (arrowhead). Also some commissures connecting the brain are detected. c Dorso-frontal view of a whole specimen where it is detected the expression of AscB (pink) and SrHes/Hey (green) with DAPI. Arrowheads point the expression of SrHes/Hey in the cords. d SrHes/Hey (green) expression with arrowheads pointing the neural cords. e Same figure of panel A with DAPI, arrowheads pointing the ventral nerve cords. A circle surrounds the statocyst in all the panels. Scale bars 40 μm

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