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Fig. 2 | EvoDevo

Fig. 2

From: Nematostella vectensis exemplifies the exceptional expansion and diversity of opsins in the eyeless Hexacorallia

Fig. 2

Current and ancestral anthozoan-specific opsin duplications. A Anthozoan species with opsin data are listed. Each column is the subclade number within the three major anthozoan opsin clades. “Un” is ASO-II opsins that are unspecified, or not found in previously identified clades. The number of opsins for each species and opsin subclade is listed in the boxes. Gray boxes with 0 signify genomic evidence of no opsins, while white boxes signify no opsin identified from transcriptomic evidence. Species names in bold have genomic evidence available, asterisks are for species with newly reported opsins in this study. B Anthozoan lineage tree, with numbers of opsins represented by line thickness and estimated by parsimony based on opsin numbers and phylogenetic positions (Fig. 3). Numbers in boxes represent the estimated number of opsins present in the last common ancestor of each anthozoan lineage. An increase in thickness of lines signifies an opsin duplication while an x signifies loss of the gene. The dashed line signifies uncertainty due to limited sampling in Octocorallia

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