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Figure 7 | EvoDevo

Figure 7

From: Antibodies against conserved amidated neuropeptide epitopes enrich the comparative neurobiology toolbox

Figure 7

RYamide immunoreactivity in annelid, bryozoan, mollusc, crustacean and cnidarian larvae. Immunostainings with the RYamide antibody (red) counterstained for acetylated tubulin (acTub, white) in (A) an early Capitella larva, anterior view, (B) a late Capitella larva, ventral view, (C) a Cryptosula larva, anterior view, (D) a Pecten veliger larva, anterior view, (E) a Pecten veliger larva counterstained with the anti-FVamide antibody (green), anterior view, (F) a Phestilla larva, ventral and (G) dorsal view, (H) a crustacean larva, ventral view and (H) a close-up confocal scan. Immunostainings with the RYamide antibody (red) counterstained for acetylated or tyrosylated tubulin (acTub, white) in (I) a Clava planula larva, lateral view, (J) an Aurelia planula larva, lateral view, and (K) close-up of a sensory neuron of Aurelia. Arrows in (C) point at axons that project to the ciliary band of Cryptosula. Arrows in (D) and (G) point at projections to the ciliated velum of Pecten and the ciliated foot of Phestilla. Asterisks in (E) indicate neurons that are co-labelled for RYa and FVa. Scale bars: (A-J) 50 μm, (K) 10 μm. ao, apical organ; cbn, ciliary band nerve; cg, cerebral ganglion; cpg, cerebropleural ganglion; DIC, differential interference contrast; la, labrum; pg, pedal ganglion; po, pyriform organ; vg, visceral ganglion.

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