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Fig. 9 | EvoDevo

Fig. 9

From: Expression of Hox, Cdx, and Six3/6 genes in the hoplonemertean Pantinonemertes californiensis offers insight into the evolution of maximally indirect development in the phylum Nemertea

Fig. 9

Summary diagram comparing gene expression in pilidium and hoplonemertean decidula. Six3/6 (purple) is expressed in hoplonemertean anterior invaginations and pilidial cephalic discs and apical organ. Hox genes (teal) are expressed in hoplonemertean posterior invaginations and pilidial imaginal discs which give rise to the juvenile trunk. ap apical organ, pb proboscis, gt gut, ai anterior invagination, pi posterior invagination, cb ciliated band, co cerebral organ, jh juvneile head, jt juvenile trunk.

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