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Fig. 6 | EvoDevo

Fig. 6

From: Dermestes maculatus: an intermediate-germ beetle model system for evo-devo

Fig. 6

Reduced expression of alternate Engrailed stripes after Dmac-prd RNAi. a–f Embryonic RNAi. g–j parental RNAi. a, c, e, g, i Injected embryos 24–27 h AEL (eRNAi) or 0–1 d AEL embryos from injected females (pRNAi), as indicated were fixed and stained using anti-En 4D9 primary antibody and DAB staining. b, d, f, h, j SYTOX Green nuclear staining of same embryos for visualization of morphological defects. Asterisks indicate reduced En expression, fused segments or partial fusion between two neighboring segments

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