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Table 1 The frizzled-related gene complement in metazoans

From: Structure, phylogeny, and expression of the frizzled-related gene family in the lophotrochozoan annelid Platynereis dumerilii

  1. Frizzled-related subfamilies are named on the top. Animal clades/subgroups are indicated with brackets to the left of the ‘species’ column. Each column lists the number of identified frizzled-related genes in each subgroup within each species
  2. Orphans are additional highly divergent frizzled-related genes that cannot be placed within one of the six subfamilies
  3. Number of all frizzled-related genes for each species is listed in the column on the left. Lophotrochozoans are highlighted in light gray. Platynereis is highlighted in dark gray
  4. Annotations for fz9/10 in D. melanogaster and C. elegans are from Schenkelaars et al. [18]
  5. * See explanation in Additional File 1
  6. ** refers to FzCRD-2 and FzCRD-3