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Fig. 6 | EvoDevo

Fig. 6

From: Molecular regionalization in the compact brain of the meiofaunal annelid Dinophilus gyrociliatus (Dinophilidae)

Fig. 6

Expression pattern of Dg-gsc, Dg-hbn and Dg-otx in adult females of Dinophilus gyrociliatus, which characterize an anteroventral median and posteroventral lateral domain, possibly related to sensory and locomotory cilia. The assumed overlap of the expression domains is shown in a schematic drawing in dorsal (a), lateral (ventral side to the left, b) and ventral views (c), with similar color coding than employed in the other plates (Dg-gsc—orange, Dg-hbn—red, Dg-otx—pink). Reflective microscopy was used to correlate the NBT/BCIP-precipitation pattern (shown in d–i in cyan) with acetylated α-tubulin-like immunoreactivity (acetylated α-tubulin-LIR, pink) and DAPI-labeled nuclei (yellow). d Horizontal section of the ventral region of the brain and e sagittal section through the brain with Dg-gsc expression domains, f horizontal section of the ventral region of the brain and g sagittal section through the lateral region of the brain with Dg-hbn expression domains, h horizontal section through the dorsal brain and i sagittal section through the mediolateral region of the brain with Dg-otx expression domains. Scale bar is 10 µm in all images. avcf anteroventral ciliary field, br brain, cb ciliary band, cbg ciliary band gland, eso esophagus, fg frontal gland, mo mouth opening, np neuropil, no nuchal organ, pcb prostomial ciliary band, pcc prostomial compound cilia, ph pharynx, phb pharyngeal bulb

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