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Fig. 1 | EvoDevo

Fig. 1

From: Expression of NK cluster genes in the onychophoran Euperipatoides rowelli: implications for the evolution of NK family genes in nephrozoans

Fig. 1

Maximum likelihood analysis of the NK cluster and NKL genes among metazoans, and summary of the NK gene repertoire in the onychophoran E. rowelli, and the tardigrades H. exemplaris and R. varieornatus. A Maximum likelihood tree of NK cluster and NKL genes to clarify the orthology of E. rowelli, H. exemplaris and R. varieornatus sequences (marked with red, blue and purple arrows, respectively). Bootstrap values > 50 are given at the nodes. Tree scale indicates the number of substitutions per site. B Summary diagram showing the NK gene complements in E. rowelli, H. exemplaris, R. varieornatus, D. melanogaster, S. maritima and P. tepidariorum. Numbers indicate the number of identified transcripts in each species; dashes indicate the absence thereof. 1From Ref. [131]; 2From Ref. [58]; 3From Ref. [132]. See also Additional file 1 for further information on NK gene complements in different bilaterian taxa

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