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Fig. 3 | EvoDevo

Fig. 3

From: The role of non-additive gene action on gene expression variation in plant domestication

Fig. 3

Analysis of the A. thaliana GRN showing connectivity properties of regulators and their targets. A Association between the Out-degree and the In-degree to the magnitude of divergence on transcript accumulation between A. thaliana Col-0 and C24 as well as their absolute degree of dominance (k) are shown as scatter plots. The line depicts the loess regression. B Violin plots showing the absolute Log2 foldchange in the degree of dominance of TFs and their target genes for each category of inheritance. Boxplot depict the median and quartile values. Values of |Log2(KREG/KTAR)| near to 0 indicate the TF and its target have highly similar values of k. C Gene regulatory network for genes with transcript accumulation divergence between A. thaliana Col-0 and C24. Edges are color coded according to the (|Log2(KREG/KTAR)|). Darker edges denote REG–TAR interaction with high similarity on their degrees of dominance. D Co-expression network for selected regulatory genes. Nodes are color-coded accordingly with the degree of dominance in a discrete fashion

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