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Figure 8 | EvoDevo

Figure 8

From: Evolution of eumalacostracan development—new insights into loss and reacquisition of larval stages revealed by heterochrony analysis

Figure 8

Investigated morphological features of different semaphoronts of N. integer and P. hawaiensis (Peracarida). Developing nervous system of N. integer and P. hawaiensis. (a) Semaphoront Ni IV. Ganglion anlagen are observable down to the first pleomeres. (b) Semaphoront Ni V. Ganglion anlagen and extending lateral nerves are observable in all pleomeres, including the sixth pleomeres [p6-g]. Also an additional seventh pleonal ganglion is seen. (c) Semaphoront Ph I. Overview of an entire embryo. Appendage buds are present in all segments. Ganglion anlagen are observable down to the third pleomere. (d) Semaphoront Ph II. Developing pleon. Faint ganglion anlagen are visible in the sixth pleomere [p6-g]. (e) Semaphoront Ph III. Ganglia of the pleonal segments are enlarged and show developing commissures. (a, b) N. integer , maximum intensity projections of acetylated alpha-tubulin signal (red) and nuclear signal (TOPRO-3), (blue). Dotted lines demarcate appendage anlagen. (c) P. hawaiensis, maximum intensity projection of phalloidin signal (green) and nuclear signal (TOPRO-3), (blue). (d, e) P. hawaiensis, extended confocal sections generated by the same staining procedure. Abbreviations: A1–P6 appendage anlagen of respective segments, T telson anlage, md-gp6-g ganglion anlagen of respective segments, lmp longitudinal muscle precursor. Scale bars 100 in (a–c), 50 μm in (d) and (e).

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