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Fig. 3 | EvoDevo

Fig. 3

From: Establishment of molecular genetic approaches to study gene expression and function in an invasive hemipteran, Halyomorpha halys

Fig. 3

Knockdown of Scr by RNAi produces abnormal mouthparts in H. halys. Photographs of first instar nymphs are shown. a Wild type. The proboscis has a needle-like shape with pointed tip (black arrow). b–g Offspring of females injected with Hh-Scr dsRNA (Scr pRNAi). b First instar nymph with severe effects has a bifurcated proboscis (green square); b′ tip of the proboscis from panel (b) (green arrow). c First instar nymph has a blunt-ended proboscis (red square); c′ tip of the proboscis from panel (c) (red arrow), d another example of a transformed proboscis with bent, abnormal tip (black arrow). e An example of a first instar nymph showing duplication and thickening at the tip of the proboscis (blue arrow). e′ Enlargement of region from panel (e) (blue arrow)

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