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Fig. 5 | EvoDevo

Fig. 5

From: Molecular, phylogenetic and developmental analyses of Sall proteins in bilaterians

Fig. 5

Expression of sall during trochophore stages in L. gigantea. The distribution of the labeled mRNA is shown by the dark blue staining. Orientation is indicated at the bottom left corner of each panel. Scale bar at the bottom right corner equals 40 µm. A: anterior; P: posterior; V: ventral; D: dorsal; R: right; L: left. a, b Localization of sall mRNA in pre-trochophore stage. Expression starts to extend from the progeny of 2 m micromeres. ce In situ hybridization of sall mRNA at trochophore stage. Black arrowhead indicates the stained ring in the cephalic region. Green arrowhead indicates the dorsolateral ectodermic strip. Yellow arrowhead indicates the stomodeum

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