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Fig. 4 | EvoDevo

Fig. 4

From: Distal-less and spalt are distal organisers of pierid wing patterns

Fig. 4

Expression of Armadillo (Arm) protein, and decapentaplegic (dpp) mRNA in larval and pupal wings. A, Aʹ, B, Bʹ, C, Cʹ, D and Dʹ Distribution of Arm protein in late fifth instar larval and 20-h pupal wings. A, Aʹ, C and Cʹ In B. anynana, Arm is present along the wing margin and in eyespot foci in both larval and pupal wings. B and Bʹ In P. canidia larval wings, Arm is present between veins in finger-like projections, in a similar pattern to that of Distal-less. D and Dʹ Arm is not present in the black spots of P. canidia in 20-h pupal wings. E, Eʹ, F, Fʹ, G, Gʹ, H and Hʹ Localisation of dpp mRNA transcripts in late fifth instar larval, 18-h pupal wings (B. anynana) and 18-h pupal wings (P. canidia). E, Eʹ, G and Gʹ dpp is expressed in areas flanking the veins in B. anynana larval wing discs and is absent from eyespot foci at this stage. dpp is expressed in eyespot foci in 18-h pupal wings. F and Fʺ dpp is expressed strongly along veins and along the border lacuna in P. canidia larval wings. H and Hʹ dpp is not expressed in the centre of spot patterns in 18-h pierid pupal wings. The wing used for dpp in situ hybridisation in Fig. 4G and Gʹ is a B. anynana hindwing.

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