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Fig. 8 | EvoDevo

Fig. 8

From: Molecular regionalization in the compact brain of the meiofaunal annelid Dinophilus gyrociliatus (Dinophilidae)

Fig. 8

Axial patterning in the brain of adult females of Dinophilus gyrociliatus and comparison of orthologous gene expression in stage 8 larva of Capitella teleta, a trochophore larva of Platynereis dumerilii and a stage 8/9 larva of Helobdella triseralis. a–c Schematic interpretation based on single-probe NBT/BCIP-precipitation patterns acquired in this study (Dg-dim, Dg-foxG, Dg-gsc, Dg-hbn, Dg-nk2.1, Dg-otp, Dg-otx, Dg-pax6, Dg-six3/6 and Dg-syt) in dorsal (a), midsagittal (ventral side to the left, b) and ventral (c) views. d Ventral view of the trochophore larva in P. dumerilii inferred from [23, 35, 40], e ventral view of the anterior region in C. teleta inferred from [16, 33], f ventral view of embryonic stage 8/9 in Helobdella triseralis [41]. The overlap of genes is interpreted from this and previous studies. fog foregut, mo mouth opening, m1 segmental midbody ganglion, np neuropil, pcc prostomial compound cilia, pcb prostomial ciliary bands, pg prostomial ganglion, ptr prototroch, r1–r4 segmental rostral ganglion, se surface ectoderm, vnc ventral nerve cord

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