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  1. The primary hormone of the vertebrate pineal gland, melatonin, has been identified broadly throughout the eukaryotes. While the role for melatonin in cyclic behavior via interactions with the circadian clock h...

    Authors: Rafael Peres, Adam M Reitzel, Yale Passamaneck, Solange Castro Afeche, José Cipolla-Neto, Antonio Carlos Marques and Mark Q Martindale
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:26
  2. A particularly critical event in avian evolution was the transition from long- to short-tailed birds. Primitive bird tails underwent significant alteration, most notably reduction of the number of caudal verte...

    Authors: Dana J Rashid, Susan C Chapman, Hans CE Larsson, Chris L Organ, Anne-Gaelle Bebin, Christa S Merzdorf, Roger Bradley and John R Horner
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:25
  3. Segmentation is a feature of the body plans of a number of diverse animal groupings, including the annelids, arthropods and chordates. However, it has been unclear whether or not these different manifestations...

    Authors: Anthony Graham, Thomas Butts, Andrew Lumsden and Clemens Kiecker
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:24
  4. The bHLH-PAS transcription factors are found in both protostomes and deuterostomes. They are involved in many developmental and physiological processes, including regional differentiation of the central nervou...

    Authors: Kun-Lung Li, Tsai-Ming Lu and Jr-Kai Yu
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:20
  5. Germline specification in some animals is driven by the maternally inherited germ plasm during early embryogenesis (inheritance mode), whereas in others it is induced by signals from neighboring cells in mid o...

    Authors: Gee-way Lin, Charles E Cook, Toru Miura and Chun-che Chang
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:18
  6. The Sox genes, a family of transcription factors characterized by the presence of a high mobility group (HMG) box domain, are among the central groups of developmental regulators in the animal kingdom. They are i...

    Authors: Christine E Schnitzler, David K Simmons, Kevin Pang, Mark Q Martindale and Andreas D Baxevanis
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:15
  7. The Onychophora are a probable sister group to Arthropoda, one of the most intensively studied animal phyla from a developmental perspective. Pioneering work on the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and subsequen...

    Authors: Mattias Hogvall, Anna Schönauer, Graham E Budd, Alistair P McGregor, Nico Posnien and Ralf Janssen
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:14
  8. For animal cells, ciliation and mitosis appear to be mutually exclusive. While uniciliated cells can resorb their cilium to undergo mitosis, multiciliated cells apparently can never divide again. Nevertheless,...

    Authors: April M Bird, George von Dassow and Svetlana A Maslakova
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:13
  9. Crustaceans of the genus Daphnia are one of the oldest model organisms in ecotoxicology, ecology and evolutionary biology. The publication of the Daphnia pulex genome has facilitated the development of genetic to...

    Authors: Beate Mittmann, Petra Ungerer, Marleen Klann, Angelika Stollewerk and Carsten Wolff
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:12
  10. A key early step in embryogenesis is the establishment of the major body axes; the dorsal-ventral (DV) and anterior-posterior (AP) axes. Determination of these axes in some insects requires the function of dif...

    Authors: Megan J Wilson, Nathan J Kenny and Peter K Dearden
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:11
  11. It is believed that in tapeworms a separate population of undifferentiated cells, the germinative cells, is the only source of cell proliferation throughout the life cycle (similar to the neoblasts of free liv...

    Authors: Uriel Koziol, Theresa Rauschendorfer, Luis Zanon Rodríguez, Georg Krohne and Klaus Brehm
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:10
  12. Heterochronic shifts during ontogeny can result in adaptively important innovations and might be initiated by simple developmental switches. Understanding the nature of these developmental events can provide i...

    Authors: Helen M Gunter, Claudia Koppermann and Axel Meyer
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:8
  13. While the ecological factors that drive phenotypic radiations are often well understood, less is known about the generative mechanisms that cause the emergence and subsequent diversification of novel features. He...

    Authors: Arnaud Martin, Kyle J McCulloch, Nipam H Patel, Adriana D Briscoe, Lawrence E Gilbert and Robert D Reed
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:7
  14. Haemocyanin is the respiratory protein of most of the Mollusca. In cephalopods and gastropods at least two distinct isoforms are differentially expressed. However, their physiological purpose is unknown. For t...

    Authors: Anne Thonig, Michael Oellermann, Bernhard Lieb and Felix Christopher Mark
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:6
  15. An important question in experimental embryology is to understand how the developmental potential responsible for the generation of distinct cell types is spatially segregated over developmental time. Classica...

    Authors: Antje HL Fischer, Kevin Pang, Jonathan Q Henry and Mark Q Martindale
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:4
  16. The monophyly of Mandibulata - the division of arthropods uniting pancrustaceans and myriapods - is consistent with several morphological characters, such as the presence of sensory appendages called antennae ...

    Authors: Prashant P Sharma, Tripti Gupta, Evelyn E Schwager, Ward C Wheeler and Cassandra G Extavour
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:3
  17. In Drosophila and many other insects, the Hox genes Ultrabithorax (Ubx) and abdominal-A (abd-A) suppress limb formation on most or all segments of the abdomen. However, a number of basal hexapod lineages retain m...

    Authors: Barbora Konopova and Michael Akam
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:2
  18. Comparative studies of developmental processes are one of the main approaches to evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo). Over recent years, there has been a shift of focus from the comparative study of ...

    Authors: Hilde Janssens, Ken Siggens, Damjan Cicin-Sain, Eva Jiménez-Guri, Marco Musy, Michael Akam and Johannes Jaeger
    Citation: EvoDevo 2014 5:1
  19. Animals have been described as segmented for more than 2,000 years, yet a precise definition of segmentation remains elusive. Here we give the history of the definition of segmentation, followed by a discussio...

    Authors: Roberta L Hannibal and Nipam H Patel
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:35
  20. In sea urchin larvae the circumesophageal fibers form a prominent muscle system of mesodermal origin. Although the morphology and later development of this muscle system has been well-described, little is know...

    Authors: Carmen Andrikou, Edmondo Iovene, Francesca Rizzo, Paola Oliveri and Maria Ina Arnone
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:33
  21. Studies on early neurogenesis have had considerable impact on the discussion of the phylogenetic relationships of arthropods, having revealed striking similarities and differences between the major lineages. I...

    Authors: Georg Brenneis, Angelika Stollewerk and Gerhard Scholtz
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:32
  22. In many bilaterians, asymmetric activation of canonical Wnt (cWnt) signaling at the posterior pole is critical for anterior-posterior (AP) body axis formation. In 16-cell stage sea urchins, nuclearization of β...

    Authors: Christine A Byrum and Athula H Wikramanayake
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:31
  23. Polyclad flatworms are an early branching clade within the rhabditophoran Platyhelminthes. They provide an interesting system with which to explore the evolution of development within Platyhelminthes and among...

    Authors: François Lapraz, Kate A Rawlinson, Johannes Girstmair, Bartłomiej Tomiczek, Jürgen Berger, Gáspár Jékely, Maximilian J Telford and Bernhard Egger
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:29
  24. The Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus) has emerged as a good animal model to study the constructive and regressive changes associated with living in cave environments, as both the ancestral sighted morph and the ...

    Authors: Atukorallaya Devi Sewvandini Atukorala, Christine Hammer, Megan Dufton and Tamara Anne Franz-Odendaal
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:28
  25. The question of whether the ancestral bilaterian had a central nervous system (CNS) or a diffuse ectodermal nervous system has been hotly debated. Considerable evidence supports the theory that a CNS evolved j...

    Authors: Linda Z Holland, João E Carvalho, Hector Escriva, Vincent Laudet, Michael Schubert, Sebastian M Shimeld and Jr-Kai Yu
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:27
  26. In blind cave-dwelling populations of Astyanax mexicanus, several morphological and behavioral shifts occurred during evolution in caves characterized by total and permanent darkness. Previous studies have shown ...

    Authors: Jonathan Bibliowicz, Alexandre Alié, Luis Espinasa, Masato Yoshizawa, Maryline Blin, Hélène Hinaux, Laurent Legendre, Stéphane Père and Sylvie Rétaux
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:25
  27. Extreme environmental conditions can give rise to extreme adaptations. We document growth, sexual maturation and fecundity in two species of African annual fish inhabiting temporary savanna pools.

    Authors: Radim Blažek, Matej Polačik and Martin Reichard
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:24

    The Related Article to this article has been published in Nature Protocols 2016 11:nprot.2016.080

  28. Hox genes encode transcription factors that have an ancestral role in all bilaterian animals in specifying regions along the antero-posterior axis. In arthropods (insects, crustaceans, myriapods and chelicerat...

    Authors: Austen A Barnett and Richard H Thomas
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:23
  29. A complex life cycle, such as complete metamorphosis, is a key innovation that can promote diversification of species. The evolution of a morphologically distinct larval stage is thought to have enabled insect...

    Authors: Alison K Lee, Christie C Sze, Elaine R Kim and Yuichiro Suzuki
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:20
  30. During their evolution towards a complete life cycle on land, stem reptiles developed both an impermeable multi-layered keratinized epidermis and skin appendages (scales) providing mechanical, thermal, and che...

    Authors: Nicolas Di-Poï and Michel C Milinkovitch
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:19
  31. In a previous study, we showed that the cephalochordate amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae has localized maternal transcripts of conserved germ cell markers Vasa and Nanos in its early embryos. These results provid...

    Authors: Qiu-Jin Zhang, Yi-Jyun Luo, Hui-Ru Wu, Yen-Ta Chen and Jr-Kai Yu
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:17
  32. The de novo assembly of transcriptomes from short shotgun sequencesraises challenges due to random and non-random sequencing biases andinherent transcript complexity. We sought to define a pipeline for denovo tra...

    Authors: Sarah Tulin, Derek Aguiar, Sorin Istrail and Joel Smith
    Citation: EvoDevo 2013 4:16